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Those anger management classes are going to start working to your advantage, so don't lose faith. Also, an old flame comes back into your life and forgives you for all the loud arguments you used to have out on the front lawn. And it appears that you have finally decided to embrace the kiss-ass philosophy and your boss appreciates it; just be careful he doesn't put too much on your plate. With a little valium and an occasional trip to that shady Asian massage parlor, you will no longer feel weighed down by the pressure. By the end of the week you'll be so confident and cocky that you'll get up the nerve to ask out hot Janet in Accounting, you know, the one who's thong is always showing above her waistline. Well if your requests for a date get shot down immediately, do not put your fist through her brain. Resist initial thoughts of retaliating with violence. Instead, be a man about it and slash her tires between cigarette breaks.